To Order
Books are available for $3.00 each (FL tax included)
1 - 24 copies....................$3.00 each
25 - 49 copies....................2.75 each
50 - 74 copies....................2.50 each
75 - 99 copies....................2.25 each
100+ copies......................1.75 each
STOP DROP AND PRAY car magnets available:
(4 1/2" diameter magnet)
$2.00 each all quantities (FL tax included)
Media shipping rates in US:
1 to 5 items add $2.50
6 to 20 items add $3.50
21 to 35 items add $4.50
36 to 50 items add $5.50
51 to 70 items add $6.50
71 to 100 items add $7.50
100+ items add $8.50 per 100
For shipping to other countries, contact Earl at:
To Order by Mail:
· Mail check to:
Stop Drop and Pray Network, Inc.
P.O. Box 10434
St. Petersburg, FL 33733-0434
If ordering by mail, please include your email and phone number: Receipt and tracking information will be sent to your email.
NOTE...SPANISH & Polish translation available!!!
Coming soon!!! French translation 2024!
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Any Earl (260) 580-2853
Spanish Version
Polish Version
Now Available !!!!
Copyright © 2017 by Stop Drop and Pray Network, Inc.