Links & Resources
St. Raphael's Parish
St. Petersburg, FL
Several years ago the influence of the Holy Spirit began to be felt in the parish starting first with Bible Study then spreading into small home meetings. While given considerable support by the church, the laity has always provided the momentum which now, in turn, supports official church ministries.
The Augustine Institute
Formed.org is a treasury of on-demand Catholic multi-media programming. The pastor of St. Raphael's has purchased parish-wide access allowing this content to be used by the Bible Study and Faith Circles as well as families and individuals. This service is highly recommended for it's instan access and authentic Catholic content.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
The Augustine Institute
Formed is a part of the Augustine Institute as well as Lighthouse Catholic Media. This year 12-members of St. Raphael's Parish will travel to Mundelein, IL for Lighthouse Catholic Media's Annual International Conference. The Institute is the foundation for many organizations who contribute to the New Evangelization.
The Miracle Hour Book
By Linda Schubert
Miracles of the Heart Ministries is dedicated to awakening Christians to the restorative power of God's love. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Linda Schubert's goal is to provide resources that will bring healing and hope as we "...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...(2 Peter 3:18)."
Hearts Afire
Marian Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception
Our Faith Circles were firmly rooted in these programs dedicated to Our Lady and the Holy Spirit. If your parish is considering Faith Circles this is an excellent place to start. Consecrating to Mary changes people aligning all under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The Wild Goose is Loose
4PM Media
Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR provides a comprehensive and profound exploration of the Holy Spirit through 14 professionally produced video segments. Rather than simply providing information about the Holy Spirit this series encourages you to ponder the role the Holy Spirit plays in your life as you discover it within.