Our mission at STOP DROP AND PRAY (SDP) is to teach people how to surrender to God and live a purpose-centered life. We teach how to pray powerfully, allowing God’s transforming grace to flow with healing, deliverance, restoration and renewal. At the heart of the ministry is the book, “STOP DROP AND PRAY”. This simple manual has been a source of healing and change for thousands of people! As the Lord blessed and multiplied our efforts, we have been asked to translate SDP into different languages. We currently have the book available in Spanish. The Polish and French translations are ready for print, waiting the funding for printing. Barbara has been asked to share SDP and has been travelling around the country with increasing speaking engagements.
These are amazing, wonderful things! From a 30 year ministry of praying with people for healing, Jesus led Barbara into a mission to build faith and zeal through teaching God’s people how to pray with each other! God has opened up the opportunity to spread “STOP DROP AND PRAY”, worldwide! It is being used as a perfect evangelization tool!
As we started our ministry, we realized that God intended for others to participate with us! We had to incorporate, so we applied for, and were granted, a non-profit corporation status. We are a 501 (c)(3) corporation, so all donations are tax deductible. At this time, the financial support of others will help us, greatly, with the rapid growth of this ministry and the increasing demands of STOP DROP AND PRAY!
God Bless You!
To make a donation, .
Two methods to make a donation:
1) To donate by check, mail your check payable to:
P.O. BOX 10434
2) If you wish to make a donation using a credit/debit card:
a) Use the button below and you will be taken our secure processor,
SQUARE for a secure transaction.
b) Any questions, call Earl at (260) 580-2853 or
email: earl@stopdropandpray.net
c) You will receive a receipt for your donation for tax purposes.